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Products Facilitation

Loan Against Property (LAP)
LAP Balance Transfer + Top ups
Government Scheme Unsecured Loan (Mudra, CGTMSE etc.)
Home Loan
Home Loan + Balance Transfer & Top-ups
Commercial Purchase
Commercial Purchase Balance Transfer + Top ups
Industrial Purchase
Industrial Balance Transfer + Top ups
Lease Rent Discount (L.R.D.)
L.R.D. Balance Transfer + Top ups
New start-ups working Capital MSME
Working Capital
Term Loan, Overdraft Facility, Cash Credit facility
Working Capital Takeover & Enhancement
Business Loan
Business Loan Balance Transfer + Top Ups
Personal Loan
Personal Loan Balance Transfer + Top Ups
NRI Commercial Purchase
NRI Home Loan
LAS (Loan Against Shares)
New / Used Car Loan upto 150%
Project Finance


A loan that generally involves highly complex financial transactions obtained from many large financial institutions for companies with very unique financing needs. Our expert team will arrange for these funds for you without any collateral, on the basis of financial performance of the companies. Funds will be arranged through Banking and Non-Banking Financial Organizations, for upto Rs.50 Crores.


Loan against property is a preferred way to raise funds against a residential or commercial property by the way of giving it to banks or institutions as mortgage. Our team’s expertise lies in structuring loans against property, according to their specific requirements such as Long–Term repayment schedules & flexible repayments, for up to 75-85% of the value of the property.


This nature of funding can be arranged against shares of listed companies wherein the shares are pledged to the financial institution. The funds can be utilized for any business purpose.
About us

Welcome To Loan Hub Services

LOAN HUB was Established in the year 2009 and is pride to serve numerous clients with its best loan guide services. Loan Hub is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality services & one stop solution for all your financial needs.

The name Loan Hub is not just brand name in Financial Industry, but a proven financial associate of almost all private leading banks in Mumbai. We are associated with almost all Leading Nationalise Banks / MNC’S Banks / NBFC’s / Co-operative Banks / Private Leander’s for various financial products.

We ensure that you get a one stop solution that is tailored made specifically to meet your requirements. Whether you are purchasing your dream home, or consolidating debt, or investing in real estate sector etc., our highly experienced Expert Team can help you to find the right product at the lowest price.
The expertise we have gained by being in the business for over more than a decade enables us to identify the loan which would best suit you. Being as the best loan consultant in Mumbai, we focus on transparency in all processes. We ensure data security and are accountable.
Service Experience

We’re a global stakeholder relations and partnership building consultancy.

Collaborate Consulting exists to find the place where to being seemingly disparate interests meet. From that point of the connection, we create platforms.
We bring more than 24 years’ senior experience forging of collaborations across government.
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A wonderful serenity.
Premium services for you.
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Call to ask any question 540-325-1523

Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)
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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging collaborations across government, private sector and international forums.

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